Register for MassHire JobQuest
Being a part of JobQuest gives employers access to a myriad of resources. Whether you need help with recruiting, attending job fairs or posting job orders for candidates, JobQuest is here to help the employers of Massachusetts meet their employment needs.
New Employer
If you are an employer that does not previously have a JobQuest account, use this option to fully register.
Request Access to Existing Account
Multiple Account Users and Their Roles
JobQuest now allows for multiple, different user accounts per employer record as either admins or regular users. Administrators on the account have complete control over it and possess the ability to post jobs, track and hire candidates, edit company infomation, and approve or deny user access. Only an admin can determine the level of access for each user request.
If your company is already registered, please contact your JobQuest administrator to request access. If you do not know who your admin is, please select the option below.