New User Registration

Once registered you’re able to save jobs, get personalized job matches, build a Career Action Plan, access workshops and training opportunities, and track your progress on your customized dashboard. You can also upload your resume and have your profile be visible to hiring employers. For more information contact your local MassHire Career Center.



Disclosure of your Social Security number is requested for compliance with Federal and State reporting requirements. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) will not disclose the Social Security number or Date of Birth to anyone except as allowed by law. For more information see the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development's Privacy Policy.

Note that employers will not see the dates of your education, birth date, or any of the information you enter in the demographic section. This includes ethnicity, gender, and military information.

You must agree to provide the required personal information to create a JobQuest account. If you agree with the conditions described above, please click "I Agree" to continue.


Your password must be minimum of twelve (12) characters in length and have at least 3 of the following 4 categories:

  • Capital Letters (A-Z)

  • Lower Case Letters (a-z)

  • Numbers (0-9)

  • Special Characters (@, #, &, %, etc.)

Your password may NOT contain:

  • More than 4 consecutive ascending or descending character sequences (e.g., 12345, or abcde)

  • More than 3 repeating characters or numbers (e.g., aaaa, 1111)

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